Christmas is just around the corner, and it truly is my favorite time of year! There are bloggers and websites everywhere telling you all the best things to buy for your mom, brother, sister, husband, neighbor, dog..etc. If you can buy a gift, someone is suggesting what you buy. I am not one of those people…I don’t have a list of suggested gifts to buy anyone because I think gifts are personal and one size does not fit all.
I’ll cut to the chase; I am not a gift person, I don’t like getting gifts and shopping for them stresses me out. However, it is the season of giving, and there are always people on your list that have everything. If they want it, they could buy it themselves, so it’s like..why even bother? Do you feel me? I’m no Grinch though, I do think the people you love should receive something, but not in the form of a material item.
What to get those who have everything, want nothing, or simply for the minimalists in your life:

One word…experiences.
There are so many ways you could give people in your life the gift of experiences, and I promise, they will enjoy that gift above all. Let me elaborate!
Give your time:
This day in age, everyone is busy. Busy working, shuffling kids around, busy doing chores, running errands..scheduling down to the very second. Carving away time for someone is a true gift. I would give anything for just a lunch date with my mom who lives 9 hours away, or a weekly coffee date in December with my friends; those are gifts that will mean something to me. Here are some ways to give time.
- Instead of bustling around like a mad person before the holidays, slow down and spend time with people you love. Take your friend you never see anymore for coffee one morning, spend an afternoon baking holiday cookies with someone, have a special movie night with your siblings or kids, take someone to see a tree lighting.
- Do you have family/friends who live a bit out of the way? Make a point to go visit them. Take an afternoon, drive to see them, bring them something you baked and have lunch with them. Spend time together, catch up.
- Volunteer. This isn’t a gift to anyone specific (or maybe it is!) but volunteering your time whether it’s with people, animals or in nature is a gift to the world and to yourself.
Time isn’t something we can get back after it’s gone. I can honestly say I barely remember any Christmas gifts I got the last 25 years, but I do remember spending time with my Nana making gingerbread cookies and going to see the tree light in the town square with my fiance. Giving the gift of your time is truly priceless.
Tangible Experiences:
If buying something for someone gives you joy, by all means, do it! But why not make it something that they won’t shove to that back of their closet after 3 weeks?
One year, my mom bought me concert tickets to Coldplay for Christmas. That is one of the only gifts I remember because the experience of going to the concert was magical for me. It doesn’t have to be something as pricey as concert tickets, but experiences range far and wide and fit everyone! Here are some of my favorite ideas!
- Giftcards to gift- receiver’s favorite restaurant (or a super special one they’ve been wanting to go to!)
- Tickets for a tour; winery, historic tour, brewery, etc
- Tickets to a concert, symphony, musical, etc
- cooking classes (great for couples!)
- Wine tasting
- Afternoon fun: bowling, Escape room, ice-skating, adult arcade, ziplines, etc
- Gift card to movie theater and basket of candy
- Lessons (dance, crafting, paintball, cooking, painting, etc)
- A spa trip for that extra stressed out person in your life
I am not a fan of handmade gifts, and my family knows that haha! I dislike trinkets, jewelry and am very particular about artwork and decor. However, I genuinely appreciate handmade gifts from the people I love. Are you skilled in something, like woodwork, jewelry making, painting, even cooking? Here are some ways to bring your gifts!
- Offer to cook/bake for a holiday gathering as your gift if you love doing so. Most people will truly appreciate having the stress of preparations taken away, and who doesn’t love yummy foods?
- Make something personal for someone! My sister handpainted my favorite flowers on canvas and I have it framed in my office, and it’s truly one of my favorite things. She charges a lot for her artwork, so this was a gift that meant a lot to me.
- Share your skillset; does your uncle need a hand with repairs in his home or your mom wants new shelves built? Make something practical or help someone who needs it but is too stubborn to ask. The effort and thought is a gift!
Do you like getting experiences as gifts? Would you be happy as time for a gift? Tell me in the comments!
Something extra for ya…save $ on experience gifts with my tips below!
I love buying movie tickets and other experiences for my family. I always want to spoil them, but that can get pretty pricey, and no one lives in my city. This is when Groupon comes into play! (this is NOT sponsored, I truly just love Groupon!) Groupon allows you to buy experiences, tickets, and goods for others in different cities (you can even send it as an electronic gift).
They are constantly having sales on top of their incredible deals…and to make the deal even sweeter, I use Rakuten to get cashback. (Formerly Ebates). When I check out online, I get a percent back the next day and after all my Christmas shopping, the cashback from Rakuten seriously adds up. Last year I got a check in February for $130 from my Christmas shopping!
If you sign up with my special link, you will get $10 off your first purchase through Rakuten!