7 ways to create a positive environment!

good vibes

Have you ever been in a space that just felt good? Soothed your soul? Made you feel at ease? If you think i’m a hippie freak, you’re not that far off.

At a young age, i’d say 12, I realized that my environment had an effect on my mood. That’s also when I became serious about my love for all things interior design. I was in love with how changing a room up could actually change the way I felt. I would rearrange my bedroom countless times, and be so happy with how I felt in the space afterwards. It’s an instant gratification!

Fast forward, and here I am. Still loving how interiors have that effect on people – whether they realize it or not. But if you’re reading this, then you probably love home decor and interiors too, and know that a well designed space can totally alter your day to day mood and life. This isn’t that foreign a concept folks!

I meet a lot of people who tell me they just want their space to feel good. Now if you walk into a furniture store and tell the worker that, they probably will just try to sell you expensive furniture. Feeling good in your space is not about the furniture price, style or even set up. It’s more about what elements are in the space..or not in it.


I created a simple 7 step guide to adding the good vibes back in.

Whether it’s your whole house or just one room – implementing these tips can make a space have a calming effect, feel more put together, and just “feel good”.

1] Rug Life

Rugs are kind of a big deal folks. I am a rug-obsessor…for good reason.

First, they absorb noise. Baby in the room next door, noisy neighbors in an apartment, or an 80lb dog that runs around upstairs? Get yourself a rug. They will keep your home cozy and quiet(er).

Second, they add a sense of comfort while being practical. When you step out of bed in the morning, your feet should land on something plush, not just the blah carpet or cold hardwood floors.

Rugs can be layered, they can go over everything; indoors, outdoors, bathrooms, kitchens, everywhere. Rugs aren’t just for hard surface floors either, you can totally transform a space with adding a rug over carpet. Think of adding a rug as an instant facelift to your home.

vintage rug


2] Aroma Therapy

I’m going to be that candle-pushing girl here, get yourself some amazing smelling candles. Let me tell you why.

Candles not only create a beautiful ambiance when lit, and create a calming (and romantic!) setting, but scent is very important in environments.

Maybe your office smells like stale air, or you ride public transportation home…which we all know doesn’t smell like roses. Having your home smell like something you love will instantly trigger a positive reaction in your brain. It can make you relax when you walk in the door! 

Fresh flowers, pine, scented cones, and incense will all have the same effect if you aren’t a candle fan!


3] Light the Way.

Lighting is huge. It can literally make or break a space. Did you know there are designer who specialize just in lighting design? Point is – take your lighting seriously if you want some good vibes in your home!

My favorite way to do this is to have a variety of lighting sources. I despise overhead lights, but I know most homes come with them, and if you’re in a rental, you really can’t change that. However, no matter where I’ve lived, I always add table lamps, floor lamps, hanging lights, candles..and my favorite; string lights.
I’m not talking Christmas lights y’all. There are so many beautiful string lights, it just takes some searching. Personally, I have these stunning moroccan string lights strung on my headboard, and they add a glow to my bedroom that truly soothes me to sleep. [Check them my favorite String Lights here]

Try adding lamps to your space, and then using them and not your overhead light (unless necessary of course) and ALWAYS utilize all the natural light you can.


4] Green Thumb.

I do not have a green thumb..I have literally the opposite. Every plant I buy dies, but I continue to buy succulents! (much to the dismay of my bank account)

I am a firm believer in plants in the house. Even if they are fake (I won’t tell if you don’t).
Plants make you feel grounded because they are other living organisms in the room – and they provide benefits as well. Plants are proven to reduce stress, fatigue, and purify the air quality. What other ‘accessory’ can do this? None.

There are plants for any home and style – from adorable mini succulents to large indoor fiddle trees. Even putting fresh flowers on your dining table every week will keep the good vibes flowing!



5] Keep It Clean

Did I throw you off with this one?
It’s obvious however – you can not have a home with good vibes and have a cluttered mess. I’m an artist, I live in my “artistic clutter” but even I have a organization system and a clutter-free rule.

Kitchens and bedrooms are the most important place to keep clean. Kitchen for obvious reasons, but the bedroom is where you recharge and refuel. Keeping it tidy, and clutter-free is imperative.

This is a sure way to create a serene environment. And if you’re like me and collect a lot of “stuff”, then buy stylish storage items, like boxes and bins that double as decor!



6] Where is the wood?

Think of wood as a neutral in your house’s color palette.

Wood adds a sense of tranquility and brings you back to nature in your home. Whether it be hardwood floors, a vintage wood desk, wooden accessories, or wooden shelves, they will have this affect.

Wood goes with every style, and is essential to creating that grounded, good-vibes feel and look.

Tip: Think outside the box – add a wooden frame mirror, live edge coffee table, or wood headboard for a subtle look.



7] Personalize it.

Sterile environments that look like furniture store showrooms make me CRINGE. I’m all about real homes, real people, and that means adding personal touches.

It’s okay to take down kids artwork or remove every trinket you got from the beach off your shelf, but don’t forget to add personal touches back in when revamping a space.

If your home doesn’t feel like home, or just feels  off, add something sentimental. Who cares if it’s personal, it’s your home. Let your personality and story shine through the walls that house you.


*Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase, I will earn a small commission. The opinions are completely my own, and I only refer to products that I absolutely love and have tested*

For more tips and inspiration on how to implement these even further, check the blog weekly for updates and be sure to follow me on Instagram @myeclecticgrace

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