Bedroom Canopy Update

This last weekend, Brian and I were rained in because of the hurricane, so we decided to move furniture around in our master bedroom.

(what else would a designer do when she is forced to stay in? haha!)

More is less?

I moved my IKEA wardrobes into my bedroom for added clothing storage, and moved the dresser to the other wall. I also added my favorite rug – which used to be in my kitchen, then in my entry way, and now has a home in my bedroom. My master bedroom is not large by any means – it’s a 12×14 box, but it seems the more I added, not only the cozier did it feel, but it actually felt bigger.

I like the feeling over being in a cave – maybe that sounds odd? Let me explain. I used to live for pillow and sheet forts when I was a little kid, and I love to sleep  with my body 99% under the covers, and I love the feeling of being encompassed by a space. Which is why I took a risk and ordered a $15 canopy off the internet.

What I started with..

This is the only picture I have of the master bedroom from the day we moved in. It’s been set up 3 different ways now, and we’ve switched out the horrible light fixture for something new – but we haven’t pained or redone anything else. This room was actually in good shape, with a decent wall color, so I let it be at the bottom of my list.

master bedroom before and after

$15 Canopy

I will state this – I’ve always wanted a canopy. So much that I’ve tacked many sheets on my ceiling as a kid..and create a makeshift canopy. Only to have them fall on me in the night..tacks included!! I’ve come so far…

I found this “netting” canopy and decided to give it a go! It was only $15. It was also an Amazon Prime purchase, and if I hated it, it wasn’t a huge loss.

I put it up by myself in about 10 minutes. The hooks and dry wall anchors are included – I just used the screw in hooks because it’s extremely light. At first it looks very wrinkled and smells like cheap halloween costumes – you know the cheap plasticky smell? But that dissipated within 20 minutes of having it up. You have to fen-angle and move the netting to get it how you want – I ended up tying it back with extra string, and i’m actually floored by how amazing it looks.

I put a picture of it on my Instagram the next morning and figured maybe some people would like it, but it’s actually one of my most saved and commented on photo to date. So that’s a win for my canopy!boho bedroom with canopy bed

boho bedroom with canopy bed


Want to buy the canopy?

You can find it here on Amazon!


I will be doing a full makeover blog post on this space once it’s finished, but since so many of you wanted information on the canopy, I wanted to give a small update!

Hope you enjoyed, and if you get a canopy too, tag me in the picture. I love seeing my followers spaces!! ♥


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