How I clean out my closet and add to my wallet!

Ever since I started my debt-free journey, clothes have been at the absolute bottom of the list for new purchases. Along with that, in 2019 I also tried to be as eco-conscience as I could, which meant saying goodbye to fast fashion. Fast fashion, if you haven’t heard that term before, means “inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends.” It’s not good for the planet, and with its low prices, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of buying more clothes and feeling like you’re not breaking the bank. No clothes for 1 year. I didn’t buy any clothes for all of 2019 unless it was a necessity. I did get some clothes as gifts for my birthday, so I wasn’t in a complete dry spell, but I didn’t spend money on new clothes. With one exception! I had a rule where if I want something new that isn’t a necessity, I have to sell something I already own. This not only helps me keep the clutter to a minimum, but it keeps me on my debt-free journey. I’ve used a few techniques the past year to sell my clothes/items to buy new (new to me!) Facebook Marketplace I have used Facebook marketplace to sell mostly home items, and have tried selling clothes on here. Marketplace is very saturated so to stand out you need to have good photos and something that is more unique. For example, there may be 100 […]

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50 ways you can be more eco-friendly right now.

With today being Earth Day, I can’t think of a better time to spear head an eco-friendly lifestyle change. I understand fully how overwhelming it can be to want to be green, reduce your environmental impact and not know where to start. Honestly a few years ago the only thing I knew I could do was recycle…but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I made this list of 50 things you can start today, tomorrow, & this week that will help. At first it may seem like you have to remind yourself of these things often, but after just a little bit of routine practice, it will become second nature. Reduce your environmental impact right now with these changes. Before you finish reading this..would you do me a favor? Share this. Email it to a friend, share it on Instagram, Facebook, Linked-in…or Pin it on Pinterest so others can reference it later. That’s how was make change, by spreading the word! Be a conscious consumer support companies that are eco-friendly (here are 7 you may not know about!) If you buy new, buy products that will last for a very long time. Think glass bottles, not plastic, and clothing made from sustainable resources Simple buy less – before you buy something, ask yourself if it’s truly a need, and if it’s not, think about the impact of that product. Buy used – everything from used cars, furniture and clothing. This even means adopting a rescue dog, not shopping from […]

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How I save money by drinking coffee!

coffee hack

Since starting this blog, my life has come full circle. I love interior design, I love eco-friendly living, and I love writing. 160 characters on Instagram has never been enough for me, so naturally a blog is my outlet. If you do read to the end of my posts though – you are the true VIP here. I share a lot of DIY tips on home decor and it’s no secret I try to live a green & healthy lifestyle. Which also means I like to keep more green in my wallet. So today I’m sharing with you my favorite and thrifty-life hack on how I save money by making coffee at home! Example A: Me in the city with my pup side kick + iced coffee in hand. First off, I’m that typical girl. I love my Starbucks, I love my $6 coconut milk lattes from the trendy coffee bars in Raleigh. I could rack up my entire credit card on coffee. When I have my large iced coffee in hand I literally feel like I can conquer the world – that’s probably a separate issue haha! When I moved into my older home, I wanted to not only save money [ more for renovation & DIY projects!] but I also wanted to live more consciously. I used to have a normal coffee pot – it would brew 6 cups, and 5 of them would go to waste everyday. Then I used a Keurig with a reusable brew cup […]

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How to achieve a modern-boho look without breaking the bank

modern-boho, boho, eclectic-boho

I’ve always been a fan of the easy and free-spirited bohemian look, from fashion to home decor, it’s me, through and through. It seems just recently however that it’s become trendy, which is actually amazing for you all who are trying to achieve this look in your own digs. You can find boho decor items online [especially Etsy, and even Amazon!], in big box stores, and most definitely at your local thrift shop. To be honest, creating a bohemian & eclectic home isn’t about buying mainstream items. You can’t achieve this look by going into a retail store and buying everything from one showroom..eclectic boho is a “collected” look. Pieces form different eras, unique trinkets, and a sense of blurred boundaries between indoor and outdoor. Promise it’s not tricky to create this effortless look..and I’m going to show you how to do it on a budget too! What’s eclectic & boho style you may ask…this sums it up perfectly. “Overall the style portrays an organic it came together over a period of time rather than all at once. It is  a representation of the dweller’s life, experiences, and personality.” Here are a few ways to achieve it..simply and on a budget! Matching  I’m going to start this off with the #1 rule here. Throw your matchy-match and symmetrical beliefs out the window. If you can’t live without this..then boho style is not going to be your cup of tea! Mixing up elements and letting each piece be it’s own […]

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Why and How to buy-second hand home goods!

thrifting, reuse, upcycle home

*Disclosure: This post contains some affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you if you click through and make a purchase, I will earn commission. The opinions are completely my own, and I only refer to products that I absolutely love and have tested* Let’s talk second hand goods for a moment. Specifically for the home. Maybe you are thinking “ew” like a lot of people i’ve encountered have, or you are thinking, “yes let’s talk about it!!” Either way, I’m going to tell you why you should be buying them, and how to shop for them like a pro. The funny thing is, many of my interior designer friends who design luxury homes have their own homes filled with thrift-found pieces. It’s no secret among designers how valuable an older piece or second hand piece of furniture is, but it can be challenging to know what to buy second hand, what not to buy, and how to look for them. That’s why I’m going to break it all down for you. I am not the expert in antiquing, but when it comes to filling my home with second hand items, and thrifting my home together, I feel like a queen at it. When I go to an estate sale, thrift store, or flea market I get in a zone that you couldn’t shake me out of. My boyfriend actually prepares when he “assists” me at these, because he knows I will be zipping all around, completely in my element, and […]

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